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How to Avoid Dangers of High BAC and Extreme DUI in Summer Months

Law Office of James Novak

Summer holds inherent risks of danger for outdoor drinking because the sun increases the effects of alcohol.

Heavy drinking combined with excessive sun exposure causes fluid loss, fatigue, dehydration, exhaustion, severe sunburn, alcohol poisoning, and impaired driving charges.

Other potential injuries and criminal charges occur as a result of excessive drinking including auto, boating, ATV, or motorcycle crashes; burns, drownings, assaults and violent crimes and DUI charges.

In Arizona high BAC levels call for harsh penalties in the event of a conviction. This article will provide insight into Arizona laws and penalties for Extreme DUI and Super Extreme DUI charges.

  • 7 Facts about Excessive Drinking During Summer Months
  • 20 Alcohol Consumption and DUI Safety Tips
  • Arizona Extreme & Super Extreme DUI Laws and Penalties
  • Criminal Defense for Extreme and Super Extreme DUI in Mesa AZ

7 Facts about Excessive Drinking During in the Summer Heat

  1. According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), excessive drinking is the leading cause of premature deaths, and the fourth leading cause of preventable deaths in the USA.
  2. The NIAAA reports that 70 percent of all deaths surrounding water recreation involved the use of alcohol.
  3. NIAAA sponsored research studies that concluded alcohol impairment may have been contributed to 60 percent of boating accidents where injuries or fatalities occurred. In these situations, at least one, boating or watercraft operators or passengers was impaired due to alcohol.
  4. Excessive use of alcohol results in impaired judgement and increased risk-taking by swimmers who may swim farther out then they should. Alcohol causes fatigue and increases the risks of hypothermia. This results in an inability of even experienced swimmers to return to shore, resulting in drownings.
  5. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in nearly 70 motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol, one of the drivers had a BAC of 0.15 percent or greater. The heat and sun which cause thirst may compel individuals to drink a greater amount at a faster pace. This can result in binge drinking. The NIAAA has defined binge drinking as having four, five, or more spirituous liquor beverages within several hours. Binge drinkers reportedly consume an average of 8 drinks per binge.
  6. The National Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 9 out of 10 adults who binge drink are not dependent upon alcohol. Underage males were more likely to binge drink during the summer months, particularly in the month of July. Binge drinking leads to violence and assault injuries, motor vehicle crashes, chronic and serious medical conditions sexually transmitted diseases, and other injuries or illnesses.
  7. According to the CDC binge drinking, particularly prevalent in underage drinkers in summer months. Binge drinking is the number one cause of fatal alcohol poisoning, high Blood Alcohol Content and impaired driving charges violation of Arizona’s Extreme DUI, and Super Extreme DUI laws.

20 Alcohol & DUI Safety tips

These 20 alcohol and DUI safety tips are separated into 4 categories:

♦ How to stay safe even if you don’t drink or don’t plan to drink.

♦ How to prevent DUI or an alcohol related accident if you plan to drink.

♦ How to avoid alcohol poisoning or other alcohol related injury.

♦ How to keep you, your family and guests safe if you are the host of a party where alcohol will be served.

If you don’t drink or don’t plan to drink:

  • Be aware that others on the road around you may be driving impaired.
  • Don’t ride with a driver who has been drinking.
  • Be a designated driver.
  • If someone has lost consciousness, call #911, or seek medical attention for them.
  • Let a friend know if you think they’ve had too much to drink. Offer them a ride home or offer to help them obtain an alternative ride home.

How to prevent DUI or an alcohol related accident if you plan to drink:

  • Don’t drive any type of motor vehicle, including boats, or ATVs.
  • Say “no” to liquor shots.
  • Plan not to get a DUI, by planning ahead for an alternative ride home.
  • Make arrangements to stay overnight at the location, hotel or other nearby location.
  • If you did not plan to drink, or if you drank an impairing amount, and find yourself behind the while of a vehicle, pull over to a safe, well- lit area or parking lot. Get out of the vehicle and try to call for a ride home. If you are not in a position to call for a ride and must sleep in your vehicle, make sure your automobile keys are no-where near the vehicle’s ignition.

How to avoid alcohol poisoning or other alcohol related injury:

  • Don’t Binge Drink.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Protect yourself from the dehydrating effects of the sun which is enhanced while drinking.
  • Don’t combine alcohol with drugs whether the substances are legal or illegal.
  • Don’t try to “keep up” with others while drinking since each individual metabolizes alcohol at different rates.

If you are the host of a party or gathering where alcohol will be served:

  • Offer non-alcoholic beverage choice and plenty of healthy snacks.
  • Don’t allow underage persons to drink.
  • Refrain from offering a person who has had too much to drink, any further liquor.
  • Make sure your guests have a safe ride home. If a guest has had too much to drink, let them know and offer to take them home or help them obtain a sober ride.
  • For pool parties, cook-outs, and other outdoor activities, make sure guests have access to a cool and shaded location.

Arizona Extreme & Super Extreme DUI Laws and Penalties

Extreme DUI Law – A person may be in violation of A.R.S. 28 -1382 – (A) (1) if they are found to be driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle with a BAC of 0.15 or greater, but less than 0.20 percent.

Super Extreme DUI Law – A person may be in violation of A.R.S. 28- 1382 – (A) (2) if they are found to be driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle with a BAC of 0.20 or greater.

In absence of aggravating factors both Extreme and Super Extreme DUI charges are classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor. These are the most severe charges in the misdemeanor classification.

High BAC levels in drunk drivers call for more harsh penalties in Arizona. Penalties for first time DUI Extreme DUI convictions under A.R.S. 28-1382 (A) (1) include:

  • Jail terms of 30 days;
  • Fines, fees, costs and assessments of $2500.00;
  • Installation of a certified ignition interlock device (IID) in vehicle for 1 year;
  • Alcohol and substance abuse screening, counseling or treatment;
  • Probation;
  • Driver’s license suspension;
  • Other penalties the court deems necessary

Penalties for first time Super Extreme DUI convictions under A.R.S. 28-1382 (A) (2) include:

  • Jail terms of 45 days;
  • Fines, fees, costs and assessments of $2700.00;
  • Installation of a certified ignition interlock device (IID) in vehicle for 1.5 years;
  • Alcohol and substance abuse screening, counseling or treatment;
  • Probation;
  • Driving privileges suspended;
  • Other penalties the court deems necessary

A second violation of Extreme DUI charges within 7 years calls for revocation of driving privileges for one year; and jail terms of 120 days for Extreme DUI, and 180 days for Super Extreme DUI convictions; Fines, fees and assessments of $3250.00 for Extreme DUI and $3750.00 for Super Extreme DUI; and 30 days Community restitution; IID for 1 year for Extreme DUI, and IID for 18 months for Super Extreme DUI, and alcohol abuse counseling, or treatment. .

A third DUI or more raises the charges to an Aggravated DUI (Felony) which exposes a person to 4 to 8 months in prison; Fines, fees and assessments of $4,000; revocation of driver’s license for one year; IID for two years; alcohol abuse counseling or treatment; and possible forfeiture of the driver’s vehicle.

Criminal Defense for Extreme and Super Extreme DUI in Mesa AZ

If you have been arrested for any DUI it is important that you consult an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible following your arrest.

No matter how severe the charges are that have been brought, you have the right to defend your charges and hire an effective attorney to represent you for them.

James Novak, of the Law Office of James Novak, PLLC is a former prosecutor in Maricopa County and exclusively defends impaired driving and criminal charges for defendants through the Phoenix Metro areas and East Valley cities of Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, and Scottsdale AZ.

If retained, James Novak, will protect your rights, defend your charges, and work to get the most favorable outcome in your case.

He will evaluate your case to determine what defenses are the most likely to lead to a best resolution of your charges.

James Novak offers a free consultation for defendants with active charges in in Maricopa County within his service areas. Contact or call The Law Office of James Novak, PLLC at (480) 413-1499 and speak with James Novak directly about your matter, and obtain options for your defense. today.

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