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10 Tips on how to find the best DUI lawyers to defend your charges

Law Office of James Novak

10 Tips to Finding the “Best” DUI Lawyers in Scottsdale – Proven Results!

If you face Scottsdale DUI or Criminal charges, you want to hire the best DUI or criminal attorney you can find to defend your charges. This is important because your chances of getting a DUI or criminal charge dismissed in Scottsdale AZ increase drastically with an effective DUI or criminal defense attorney representing you. The lawyer you choose may mean the difference between a conviction with harsh penalties and a dismissal of charges.

Find High Rated DUI lawyers who Defend Scottsdale Charges at Affordable Prices

A great number of criminal defense lawyers in the valley defend Scottsdale DUI & criminal charges. A majority of Criminal Defense Firms throughout Maricopa County defend Scottsdale DUI and criminal charges. In other words, you do not necessarily have to hire criminal or DUI lawyer whose law firm is located in Scottsdale. Here are re 10 tips to helping you find high rated criminal defense firms and well qualified DUI lawyers:

10 Tips To Finding the Best DUI lawyer & Criminal Attorney for Scottsdale Charges

1) Narrow your search geographically; that is, decide how far you wish travel to meet with and hire the DUI or Criminal Defense Attorney of your choice;

2) If you or the person you are helping, is currently incarcerated and unable to travel to the criminal defense lawyer’s office, simply call let them know you wish to hire them but need to work out alternative means for meeting, and signing the fee agreement. One example would be in the case where the accused is currently in jail or prison. In that case most lawyers will simply travel to the court or prison to visit them;

3) Narrow your search down to two or three top picks; If you still have questions or need more information, you can contact the AZ State Bar, to make sure they are licensed as an “Attorney” in defense verses, a legal forms processor, paralegal, or other named occupation. Confirm that they are licensed in Arizona to defend Criminal charges in Scottsdale and cities within Maricopa County. Criminal Defense includes the DUI category of defense;

4) Attorneys in other practice areas; Contact lawyers in other practice areas whom you or other family members have used in the past for other legal matters. For example, if you were involved in an auto accident, and were represented by an injury lawyer. Contact them to see if they have a referral for a DUI or criminal defense lawyer;

5) The best source of referral is from friend, family, or other person who you trust; But heed this warning: Do not discuss any specifics or details surrounding your charges. It may harm your defense case for one. Also, that person could later be called as a witness to testify against you regarding statement you made to them. Believe it or not, it happens;

6) Look for Ratings an reviews on the web;

7) Call at least two or three; Sometimes it takes a few more calls than that. Talk with them in person or by telephone; most Scottsdale DUI and criminal defense lawyers provide a free initial consultation. You want to make sure they are “practicing defense attorneys”. Some attorneys no longer practice active defense; They may be Professors teaching at local universities or colleges; or they may be dong Expert or Consultant work only; You will need active legal defense representation;

8) You should avoid asking “if they can get your case dismissed”. They have not been in contacted with the prosecution, seen the evidence, or worked your case. No attorney has a crystal ball. If an attorney “guarantees” they can get your charges dismissed, “run don’t walk” the other way and are telling you what you want to hear; You want a straight shooter who will give you a respectful, truthful response not false hopes;

9) Ask questions about education, training, qualifications; defense and trial experience; and anything else that will make you feel you have found the best defense lawyer for the job.

10) Consider costs and fees; but (emphasis added), don’t make the cost the most important factor in your decision; You’re not searching for the cheapest gallon of unleaded gas in town. There is a lot more at stake to consider, and you need to look at service to value. You won’t necessarily get the best representation for the highest price. To help avoid ineffective assistance of counsel, you need to educate yourself using the tips above and an bit of common sense; that is, if it (the price), sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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If you have been arrested; face active Arizona criminal or DUI charges, or have an existing warrant for your arrest in Maricopa County for Arizona DUI, DWI, drunk driving, drug or any other criminal charges contact the Law Office of James Novak, for your Free Consultation at (480) 413-1499. James Novak, experienced Arizona criminal Defense and DUI & Criminal defense Attorney, James Novak will speak with you directory concerning your charges, and provide you with defense options. James Novak is an experienced trial lawyer and former prosecutor.

The Law Office of James Novak is devoted 100% to defending DUI, Drug & criminal charges in valley wide within Maricopa County including Mesa AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Phoenix AZ, Chandler AZ, Gilbert AZ, East Valley, and surrounding cities within the Phoenix metro and Maricopa County Area.

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