Articles Posted in DUI Laws

How to Protect Your Rights Under the Unconscious Clause
Law Office of James Novak

In Arizona police are permitted to request a nonconsensual blood draw, without a warrant, from a DUI suspect who is unconscious under A.R.S. §28- 1321.
The provision does have limitations, and the blood draw can be unconstitutional if an individual’s rights are rights are violated in the process.
The Arizona Supreme Court held ruled that the unconscious clause is permissible only when invoked non-routinely, under exigent circumstances, and are case-specific.
In a recent case, the AZ Supreme Court ruled held that a DUI blood test taken under the unconscious clause was unconstitutional.
The Court ruling was decided based on the grounds that conditions were not exigent, and the test was requested due to a systematic procedure, rather than individual circumstances. Under the good faith exception, evidence collected in violation of Fourth Amendment privacy rights can still be admitted at trial if the police acted in good faith.
But the court also determined that the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule did not apply.
In this article we will discuss the decision, what means for Arizona drivers, how to protect your rights, and what happens if your rights are violated.

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AZ Appeals Court Rules: “When Out-of-state DUI Convictions Count as Priors”
Law Office of James Novak

The Arizona Appeal Court noted that that in order for an offense that occurred out of state to be counted as a “prior” the laws of the two states must be identical. Or alternatively, the offense must be such that if it had been committed in Arizona, instead of California in this case, it would have been in violation of Arizona’s impaired driving laws.

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DUI Arrest without Breath, Blood, or Chemical Testing
Law Office of James Novak

“DUI arrests for “probable cause” doesn’t mandate that the police officer show a driver was actually under the influence, only that it is probable that he was”.A police officer need only have a reasonable suspicion that you have violated a traffic law (like the speed limit) or engaged in criminal activity to stop you. “Reasonable…

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Arizona DUI Stops: Weapons in Your Vehicle
Law Office of James Novak

How to avoid additional charges, and make sure your DUI stop does not turn deadly Recently a Mesa AZ police officer approached a vehicle and asked the driver if he had any weapons. The driver responded, affirmatively that he did in fact, have weapons in the vehicle. At that point he reached to the other…

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Aggravated DUI for Driving on Suspended License Defenses
Law Office of James Novak

Appeals Court overturns conviction holding that the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant knew or should have known of the suspension. There are several ways to get an aggravated DUI conviction in Arizona. Among the ways is driving while impaired by alcohol, drugs, medication, or illegal substances while having a suspended,…

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Marijuana DUI: The Impact of Montgomery V. Harris in Arizona
Law Office of James Novak

Arizona Court of Appeals rules non-impairing Marijuana ingredients qualify for DUI prosecution. A recent Marijuana DUI dismissal was overturned in favor of the state and moved for continued prosecution in the Arizona Court of Appeals. The main legal issue was whether or not a motorist could be prosecuted for Marijuana DUI when the only evidence…

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Prescription Drug DUI charges
Law Office of James Novak

If you plan to move or travel to Arizona; you should become familiar with Arizona’s strict prescription drug DUI laws. A person may be arrested in Arizona for a DUI, if they are not driving drunk, and even if they have had no alcohol at all. Last year Drug impairments accounted for 15% of all…

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DUI Targeted Patrols and Command Centers Replace Checkpoints
Law Office of James Novak

“We are going big” says AZ DPS in preparation for intense week of DUI enforcement A DUI may result in an arrest, jail time, but you can also wind up costing a person their job. That’s just a few consequences of a DUI conviction. Arizona calls for tough criminal penalties; civil penalties such as loss…

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Super DUI Task Force Created: East & West Valley Join Phoenix for Greater DUI Enforcement
Law Office of James Novak

Combined Resources Creates Larger Valley-wide DUI Task Force December 2012 This year Phoenix AZ, East Valley, and West Valley are combining DUI Task Force Efforts to create one large task force, for better efficiency and safety. The Special DUI Task Force will be in place for the rest of month of December 2012. A central…

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Felony DUI Judge arrested for Super Extreme DUI
Law Office of James Novak

Super Extreme and Drug DUI laws and penalties apply to all motorists driving in Arizona A criminal superior court judge in Northern Arizona was arrested on Super Extreme DUI charges, Sunday morning, December 9, 2012. He was stopped by police after swerving into oncoming traffic. It was reported in the media that his Blood Alcohol…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How to Ensure an Impartial Jury in Serious Arizona Criminal Cases Criminal jury trials for serious offenses in Arizona are complex and high-stakes proceedings, where the fairness and impartiality of the jury are...

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

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