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Drug Possession Attorney | Drug Possession 2

Law Office of James Novak

Drug Charges and Penalties Scottsdale, AZ “Most Top drug possession defense lawyers in Scottsdale AZ provide free consultations if you are currently facing drug charges or have been arrested for drug possession in Scottsdale, AZ. ” Scottsdale AZ Drug Possession Laws are strict and the Criminal Justice System can be a complicated maze of procedures and protocol. If you were arrested for drug possession charges in Scottsdale AZ you will need to consult a criminal defense attorney or drug defense attorney who frequently defends drug charges in Scottsdale Court. Most Top drug possession defense lawyers in Scottsdale AZ provide free consultations if you are currently facing drug charges or have been arrested for drug possession in Scottsdale, AZ. A good Scottsdale criminal defense attorney will provide you with information concerning the charges, penalties, and defense options. One major key to a successful defense is early retention of your drug defense legal representation in Scottsdale Arizona.

If your drug arrest or drug charges were in Scottsdale AZ, you will be held to the rule of law of the State of Arizona. The definitions, classifications and penalties are comprehensively outlined in the following criminal code: Arizona Revised Statutes: “A.R.S. 13 Chapter 34 DRUG OFFENSES 13-3401…13-3461”.

Scottsdale, AZ Drug Classifications Arizona drug laws classify drugs in three main categories listed below. (Note the examples are not all inclusive):

1. Dangerous drugs: LSD, ecstasy, methamphetamines, steroids, hallucinogenic mushrooms, clonazepam, lorazepam 2. Narcotics: cocaine, heroin, opium, morphine, oxycodone 3. Marijuana: Also known as pot, weed, cannabis Drug Possession Charges in Scottsdale, Arizona The severity of your drug possession charge depends a heavily on the amount or quantity found in your possession. The police use this as a gauge to determine if your Scottsdale drug charges will be for possession for personal use, or elevated to possession with intent to sell, drug sales, drug trafficking, drug distribute drugs or more serious charges. Drug charges can carry serious penalties including extended jail or prison if convicted. Most drug possession charges in Arizona are charged as felonies, but could be charged as a misdemeanor based on quantity, purpose, and other circumstances surrounding your drug arrest or drug charges in Scottsdale, AZ.

Drug Penalties for Drug Possession in Scottsdale, AZ Many defendants, who face Scottsdale drug charges want to know if they will be placed on probation, go to jail or worse to prison if they get a conviction for their AZ drug possession charges. The punishments for drug possession could include one, a combination, or all of these penalties and more, depending on many factors. Below are some of those factors (This list is not all inclusive):

1) Quantity of the drug alleged to be found in your possession; 2) Type or class of drug; 3) Purpose of the drug (personal use or sales); 4) Repeat offense v. first offender; 5) Criminal Record; 6) Additional drug or criminal charges involved with the arrest; 7) Other aggravating factors surrounding the arrest; 8) Whether or not you may be eligible and qualify for participation in a diversion program which includes drug counseling for first time offenders. Qualification involves invitation into the program by the prosecution and court based on a list of criteria that must be met in order to be eligible for the counseling program in place of other sentencing such as incarceration.

Arizona Drug Possession Attorney – Criminal Defense You will need to consult and hire the best Arizona drug defense attorney you can. They should possess a vast amount of litigation and experience in Scottsdale drug defense; be highly skilled, educated and capable of building a solid defense against your drug charges; possess the ability to make compelling arguments on your behalf; one who is assertive and proactive and not afraid to challenge evidence and the prosecution’s case; be extremely familiar with the Criminal Justice System; and someone who will use every possible defense in your favor; someone you have a comfort level with and an open line of communication, and a criminal defense attorney will to fight relentlessly with the goal of securing a dismissal, reduced charges, or negotiate an agreement for your entrance into the diversion program in place of incarceration or other sentence, or other favorable outcome in your case.

more For more criminal defense or DUI defense tips, free videos, and free dui defense books, visit If you have been arrested for any Scottsdale Arizona DUI other criminal charge contact the Law Office of James Novak, for your Free Consultation at 480) 413-1499. Speak directly with experienced Arizona criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney and James Novak (Former Prosecutor).

The Law Office of James Novak is devoted to defending 100% DUI, Drug & criminal charges in Scottsdale, AZ and within Maricopa County valley-wide.

This post was intended to provide general information only and is not intended as specific legal advice. You should not rely upon this information alone, but should consult legal counsel regarding the application of the laws and regulations discussed and as applied to your specific case or circumstance

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