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DUI Targeted Patrols and Command Centers Replace Checkpoints

Law Office of James Novak

“We are going big” says AZ DPS in preparation for intense week of DUI enforcement

A DUI may result in an arrest, jail time, but you can also wind up costing a person their job. That’s just a few consequences of a DUI conviction. Arizona calls for tough criminal penalties; civil penalties such as loss of driver’s license; and other consequences. The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AGOHS) announced it has organized 12 task forces for what it considers to be an intense week of DUI through January 1, 2013.

The DUI task forces 40 – 100 strong include 70 law enforcement agencies valley-wide, and working with Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The goals this year include focusing on both drivers impaired due to alcohol or drugs, especially extreme DUI arrests. The AGOHS reported that Extreme DUI arrests increased statewide 12% from 2011 to 2012. Total DUI arrests have increased over 14% overall from November during this from this time last year to December 27, 2012.

AZ DPS, Director Alberto Gutier, reported to local media sources that instead of employing DUI task forces, that officers would be out tar employs the DUI checkpoint method, in geo-targeted patrols throughout the valley. He indicated that they want to send the message that they are everywhere verses one particular checkpoint.

Arizona DUI Laws

In Arizona it is unlawful to drive “impaired to the slightest degree” due to alcohol or drugs under the legal limit of 0.08% due to alcohol or intoxicating drugs.

A person may also be arrested for DUI if they are driving over the legal limit with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% person.

Driver’s with BAC limits of 0.15% or more will be charged with Extreme DUI; and BAC limits that exceed 0.20% or more will be charged with Super Extreme DUI under Arizona Law. Higher the BAC limits call for harsh sentencing including longer jail terms. . The legal drinking age in Arizona is 21, and a motorist under the age of 21 found to have any alcohol in their system, will be arrested, whether or not that driver is impaired. DUI charges generally brought as Misdemeanors unless Aggravated Factors exist. If Aggravated Factors are present, the charges will be prosecuted as Felonies. These factors include a third DUI with two prior DUI convictions with 84 months; driving impaired due to alcohol or drugs with a child passenger under the age of 15 years old; driving impaired with an invalid driver’s license; or one that involves a serious or fatal auto accident.

DUI Defense Attorney, Chandler AZ

If you face drunk or impaired driving charges, your future and freedom are in jeopardy. You should consult a criminal defense attorney regarding your matter, before your first court appearance. If retained, they will protect your rights; and defend your charges. There may be defenses you are not aware of that could lead to case dismissal, or otherwise favorable outcome in your case.

Additional Resources:

Arizona Statewide DUI Enforcement Statistics 2012

Arizona Department of Public Safety

Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

State Legislature – Extreme DUI Laws

Chandler Police Department

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Law Office of James Novak 4500 S. Lakeshore Drive Tempe AZ 85282 (480) 413-1499 Free Consultation Maricopa County DUI & Criminal Defense Firm Serving Tempe, Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, & Scottsdale AZ

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