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Labor Day DUI Task Forces: Warnings and Safety Tips for Motorists

Law Office of James Novak

Don’t be drinking and driving ’cause we’ll catch you”, DPS warns. Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) is geared up for its’ statewide DUI task forces. They will be in place for their annual Labor Day crackdown, Friday August 31, 2012 through Tuesday September 4, 2012.They will be looking for drunk drivers; impaired motorist under the influence of alcohol or drugs, along with other traffic stops and motorist/vehicle safety checks. Arizona DPS offers this advice to motorists:

  • Don’t drink and drive or you will be arrested;
  • Don’t drive if you are under the influence of any medication with potential to impair driving;
  • Assign a designated driver or plan for alternative transportation;
  • Buckle up or citations will be issued; • Don’t speed or you will be cited;
  • Be aware of increased traffic throughout the Labor Day Weekend;
  • Expect closures and delays due to auto accidents or construction;
  • Take along plenty of drinking water and supplies in the case of an unscheduled closure;
  • Do not drive without valid driver’s; registration; auto insurance, and valid plates;
  • Be prepared for changing weather conditions to and from your destination;
  • Get a good night’s rest before you leave for your destination if you’ll be driving;
  • Be prepared and use caution in reduced speed limit zones;
  • Use caution in merging traffic lanes;
  • Drive defensively; don’t assume all other drivers will obey traffic and safety laws, and stop at red lights;
  • Expect the unexpected;

These are just the fundamental laws of driving. But lack of adherence to these laws and tips, can result in serious automobile accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

DUI Charges in Phoenix AZ

Drunk Driving, DUI – DWI or Drug DUI charges are serious criminal offenses under A.R.S. § 28 – 1381 in Arizona. If charged you will face both civil penalties that include suspension of driver’s license, in addition to any other traffic citations if they apply. Driving impaired to the slightest degree due to alcohol or drugs will result in criminal charges. Penalties for convictions include 10 days jail; ignition interlock device on your vehicle; mandatory drug or alcohol screening and counseling; probation; fines; fees; and suspension or loss of driving privileges. You should always consult an experienced criminal defense attorney if you face active charges to discuss you matter and defense options. If retained, they will defend your charges, protect your rights; make sure you are treated fairly; and work to protect your future and freedom. Often there are defenses that can be used that may lead to a dismissal of charges, or other favorable outcome in your case.

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Law Office of James Novak 4500 S. Lakeshore Drive Tempe AZ 85282 (480) 413-1499 Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Serving Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix AZ Free Consultation! Call (480) 413-1499

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