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AGOHS Announces Holiday DUI Task Force Conference

Law Office of James Novak

Tips for keeping your holidays safe and free from DUI arrests and hazards

Last week, the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AGOHS) announced it will be holding a Holiday 2012 DUI Enforcement “Kick-off” Conference at the Arizona State Capitol, Tuesday November 27, 2012. They will be discussing details for safety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and increased presence throughout the state to enforce DUI laws.

The AGOHS works with local city, and county officials to organize DUI Safety Checks that generally beginning around Thanksgiving and run through the New Year. During this time frame last year, DUI roadblocks resulted in over 4,170 Arizona DUI arrests for Drug DUI and Alcohol related DUI offenses.

7 Basic DUI Safety Tips

Here are some tips for planning Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holiday celebrations, to help avoid hazards and arrests resulting from impaired driving:

  • Refrain from driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Appoint a trustworthy designated driver;
  • Make arrangements in advance for a safe ride home including taxi, public transportation, or trustworthy family or friend;
  • Know the Arizona DUI laws related to drug and alcohol DUI;
  • Avoid binge drinking, and know your impairment threshold for drinking;
  • Don’t allow yourself to be a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Talk to your teens about the dangers of drinking and driving and encourage them to follow these tips

Arizona DUI Laws and Facts

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration works with Arizona to provide support for their Holiday DUI Enforcement “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaigns. Here are some Arizona laws, and NHTSA facts to keep in mind:

  • Of the 32,885 people who lost their lives in 2010 to motor vehicle accidents, 31% or 10,228 fatalities resulted from alcohol impaired driving;
  • The age group subject to the greatest risk of impaired driving and fatal crashes were 21 to 34 years old, who were under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Nighttime driving 6:00 pm to 6:00 am was the most deadly time frame for fatal crashes, and 78% of fatal crashes within the study in December 2010 alone;
  • Of those, 45% had a Blood Alcohol Content of .15 BAC or higher;
  • Police have zero tolerance for DUI charges, and do not provide warnings. DUI arrests will be made; • All DUI convictions call for jail time and suspension of driver’s license;
  • In Arizona Refusal to take alcohol breath tests will result in a suspension of a motorists driver’s license, whether the motorist was found to be driving impaired or not;
  • In Arizona the legal limit for alcohol is 0.08% BAC;
  • A person may be arrested for DUI, if their BAC is below the 0.08% if they are driving “impaired to the slightest degree” under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • The legal drinking age in Arizona is 21 years old. Zero tolerance applies to any one driving or found to have any amount of alcohol in their system.
  • Criminal Defense for DUI Charges Tempe AZ

If you were arrested for DUI charges in Arizona, you should always consult an experienced DUI defense lawyer regarding your charges. Arizona has some of the toughest DUI laws and penalties in the country, and prosecutors egregiously pursue convictions for all types of DUI – DWI charges. If retained, your attorney will make sure your rights are protected; that you are treated fairly; defend your charges; and attempt to get the most favorable resolution possible for your charges.

Additional Resources:

Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety – News Announcement

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration

Arizona State Legislature – DUI laws

Arizona Mothers Against Drunk Driving – (MADD)

Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles

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Law Office of James Novak
4500 S. Lakeshore Drive
Tempe AZ 85282
(480) 413-1499
Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Firm
Serving Maricopa County
Phoenix-metro, and surrounding East Valley Cities

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