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Articles Posted in az felony vehicular manslaughter. az felony sobriety

Finding the Best Criminal Attorneys: Gilbert AZ has many good DUI attorneys. But certain traits they possess, will help you find the best to defend you.
Law Office of James Novak

“15 traits that the best criminal attorneys process” The best criminal defense attorneys must possess many important traits. Here we’ll look at 15 traits that separate good DUI lawyers from the best DUI lawyers who defend Criminal and DUI charges in Gilbert Arizona: 1. Experience, Experience, Experience. You want to know how much experience the…

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Felony DUI (Aggravated DUI): Differences between Misdemeanor DUI and Felony DUI charges)
Law Office of James Novak

AZ DUI Laws, Felony DUI Penalties “The cost of a felony DUI conviction, and it’s consequences in Arizona is far greater than the price of hiring a good Arizona DUI defense lawyer” If you were charged and/or arrested for felony DUI charges in Maricopa County, AZ you should contact an Arizona DUI defense attorney as…

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DUI Arraignment: Find out how to preserve your rights at your Arraignment.
Law Office of James Novak

Don’t Plead “Guilty” to DUI or Criminal Charges before Consulting a Good DUI DWI Attorney who defend Gilbert AZ DUI charges Gilbert AZ Criminal & DUI Defense for Your Arraignment One of the main purposes of your Arraignment date is to inform the court of how you wish to “plea”. It is never a good…

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Aggravated DUI Laws: Find out what aggravating factors will raise a Misdemeanor DUI to a Felony DUI.
Law Office of James Novak

AZ DUI Law & Felony DUI Penalties “The cost of retaining a good Gilbert DUI defense lawyer is far less a price, than fines, fees, costs, and your freedom, if convicted of Gilbert felony DUI Charges” If you were arrested for felony DUI charges in Gilbert, AZ you should contact a Gilbert DUI lawyer as…

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Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines: Types of felony charges that will expose a defendant to Mandatory Sentencing that includes lengthy prison terms.
Law Office of James Novak

AZ Felony Mandatory Sentencing Guidelines Arizona’s adopted “Mandatory Sentencing” guidelines for serious felonies. Here’s how the best AZ criminal defense lawyers may still be able to get your felony charges partially or completely dismissed. In alternative they may be able to fight for a reduction in charges to a “Standard Felony” or even a misdemeanor.…

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DUI Blood Test Results: Defenses for DUI Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) evidence
Law Office of James Novak

10 Ways Gilbert DUI Lawyers Defend Blood Alcohol Tests DUI blood alcohol test results evidence can be challenged by your Gilbert DUI Attorney. In some cases, this can lead to a total dismissal of your Gilbert DUI charges AZ DUI Law | Defending Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test If you were charged with a DUI…

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DUI Blood Test Evidence: How to challenge your DUI blood test results
Law Office of James Novak

A good AZ DUI lawyer may be able to challenge blood test results leading to suppression of evidence and a dismissal of your AZ DUI charges. AZ DUI with Blood Test If you were arrested for drunk driving in Arizona due to blood test evidence, you should you need to consult an Arizona DUI lawyer…

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DUI Breath Testing: Find out why police must conduct two DUI breath tests in order to make an arrest based on breathalyzer results
Law Office of James Novak

Defense Tactics used by experienced AZ DUI Attorneys to fight your DUI breath test results Arizona DUI Charges If you were arrested in Arizona or received AZ DUI charges you should contact an Arizona Criminal Defense or Arizona DUI lawyer to discuss your charges and defense options. Being charged with a DUI is just the…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How to Ensure an Impartial Jury in Serious Arizona Criminal Cases Criminal jury trials for serious offenses in Arizona are complex and high-stakes proceedings, where the fairness and impartiality of the jury are...

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

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