Articles Posted in chandler DUI lawyer

Felony DUI: Three aggravating factors that raise a Misdemeanor DUI to Felony DUI charges.
Law Office of James Novak

AZ DUI Law, Felony DUI Penalties “The cost of retaining a good Chandler DUI defense lawyer is far less a price, than fines, fees, costs, and your freedom, if convicted of Felony DUI Charges in Chandler.” If you were arrested for felony DUI charges in Chandler, AZ you should obtain a free consultation with a…

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Ways to find a good DUI and criminal defense attorney
Law Office of James Novak

10 Tips to Finding the “Best” DUI Lawyers in Chandler AZ! Why You Need the Best Chandler Criminal Attorney to Defend your Criminal Charges Chandler AZ DUI or Criminal prosecutors, egregiously pursue convictions for DUI & Criminal charges in Chandler. Your chances of getting a DUI or criminal charge dismissed in Chandler AZ, increase dramatically…

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DUI defenses: 10 ways to challenge DUI blood test evidence
Law Office of James Novak

Find out how top Chandler DUI Lawyers Challenge DUI or Drug Blood Alcohol Tests DUI & Drug blood test evidence can be challenged by your Chandler DUI or Criminal Defense lawyer. The results often lead to a dismissal of your DUI or Criminal charges. AZ DUI Laws | Defending Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Test If…

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Things you can do to make sure you retain the best attorney to defend your criminal charges
Law Office of James Novak

The Best Criminal Attorney in Chandler AZ is the One that is Right for You. There are plenty of good criminal and DUI defense lawyers who defend criminal or DUI charges in Chandler AZ. But the question is which one is right for you? It will take some effort on your part. It likens to…

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DUI Breath Test Defenses: “Second Breath Test Out of Range”
Law Office of James Novak

ONE DUI DEFENSE THAT CHANDLER PROSECUTION DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT… Chandler AZ DUI Charges If you face Chandler DUI you should consult a criminal defense attorney or DUI lawyer who defends cases in Chandler AZ as soon as possible. Arizona has some of the toughest DUI laws and penalties in the country. However,…

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How Good Criminal Lawyers Defend Resisting Arrest Charges in Gilbert AZ
Law Office of James Novak

Gilbert Criminal Defense | Criminal Rights Resisting Arrest Charges in Gilbert AZ Resisting arrest charges often are coupled with other violations at the same time. If you were arrested or face resisting arrest charges in Gilbert AZ, you should consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who defends these types of cases frequently in Gilbert Arizona…

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How Top Criminal Attorneys Defend Resisting Arrest Charges in Mesa AZ
Law Office of James Novak

Mesa Criminal Defense | Criminal Rights Resisting Arrest Charges Mesa AZ Resisting arrest charges often are coupled with other violations at the same time. If you were arrested or face resisting arrest charges in Mesa AZ, you should consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who defends these types of cases frequently in Mesa Arizona to…

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Weapon Charges | Gun Charges Gilbert AZ
Law Office of James Novak

Gilbert Criminal Defense Attorney Weapon Charges “The defense of a Arizona good criminal attorney who defends weapons charges frequently in Gilbert Criminal Justice System will greatly increase your chances of a getting a good outcome in your case.” Weapon Charges in Gilbert AZ Gilbert AZ weapons charges including Gun charges are commonly paired with other…

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How Good Criminal Lawyers Defend Resisting Arrest Charges in Scottsdale
Law Office of James Novak

Scottsdale Criminal Defense | Criminal Rights A good Scottsdale criminal defense lawyer will gather evidence, interview or depose witnesses and the police, look for weaknesses and flaws in the prosecution’s case their witness statements or evidence, determine if there were any violations of your constitutional rights occurred, and build a strong defense case in an…

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Unlawful Discharge of Firearm | Criminal Defense Phoenix AZ
Law Office of James Novak

Phoenix Criminal Attorneys Unlawful Discharge of Firearm Charges Phoenix AZ Violations of this law, if convicted are harsh. If you have been charged or arrested for discharging a firearm unlawfully within any city limits in Arizona then you should consult with an Arizona criminal attorney who has the experience in defending these types of criminal…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How to Ensure an Impartial Jury in Serious Arizona Criminal Cases Criminal jury trials for serious offenses in Arizona are complex and high-stakes proceedings, where the fairness and impartiality of the jury are...

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

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