Articles Posted in gun laws

What You Should Know about Threats, Guns and Assault Laws
Law Office of James Novak

Unless specifically outlined by law, carrying a loaded firearm on any school grounds will result in criminal charges under Arizona’s Weapons Misconduct law A.R.S. 13– 3102 (12). Under A.R.S. § 13- 3102 (I) (1) Arizona law provides an exception, to weapons misconduct laws if the firearm within the person’s possession or vehicle was not loaded with ammunition. In this case ammunition was not in the chamber. However, there was ammunition in the magazine which holds the shells for the purpose of feeding the chamber repeatedly.
The defendant argued that the law was unconstitutionally vague because it does not define the word “loaded”, and that some states define it more narrowly.
The Arizona Appeals Court affirmed the decision of the trial court which held that “loaded” includes not only the bullets contained in the firing chamber. Rather, a gun is also considered to be loaded if ammunition is contained within the cylinder, magazine, or clip of a firearm. The court cited a number of case precedents for relied upon by both sides which concluded this holding.
The Appeals Court concluded that a law is not constitutionally vague simply because the State Legislature decided not to define it more technically or narrowly. This article outlines the weapons misconduct at school laws, assault laws that apply; penalties; situations in which guns are permitted on school grounds; and criminal defense for charges.

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Gun Laws: Who are Prohibited Possessors?
Law Office of James Novak

Prohibited Possession or Use of Firearm Laws Phoenix Arizona Under Arizona Law A.R.S. § 13-3102 a person may be guilty of misconduct with weapons if they knowingly: 1. Possess a “deadly weapon” or “prohibited weapon” and is a “prohibited possessor” as defined under A.R.S. § 13-3101; and/or2. Transfers or sells a “deadly weapon” to a…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

Understanding Prolonged Traffic Stops in Arizona In Arizona, a police officer cannot keep a driver in a traffic stop against his or her will without a legal basis to do so. Arizona case law...

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