Articles Posted in mesa extreme dui

DUI charges are Criminal Offenses, as opposed to a Civil Citation: Why yu need a criminal defense attorney to defend your DUI – Q & A
Law Office of James Novak

Q and A What You Need to Know About Mesa Charges and Criminal Defense for DUI DWI or Drunk Driving Charges in Mesa AZ Q. Do I need a DUI lawyer for my Mesa DUI? A. Yes. Whether your DUI is a felony or misdemeanor, you should consult an Arizona Criminal Defense or DUI lawyer…

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Find out what “Aggravated Factors” elevate a Misdemeanor DUI to a Felony
Law Office of James Novak

Felony DUI Penalties, AZ DUI Laws Overview “In dollars and “sense” the cost of retaining a good Mesa DUI defense lawyer, is far less a price, than fines, fees, costs, and your freedom, if convicted of a Mesa felony DUI.” If you were charged with felony DUI in Mesa, AZ you should consult a Mesa…

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Resources to help you find a good criminal defense or DUI lawyer
Law Office of James Novak

How to Find the Best DUI Attorneys in Mesa, AZ Arizona State Laws are strict, and punishments severe for DUI charges in Mesa Arizona. First time DUI convictions carry mandatory sentencing of jail time along with other adverse punishments. You will need to hire a good criminal defense or DUI attorney who defends cases often…

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Law Office of James Novak

DEFENSES THAT GOOD MESA DUI ATTORNEYS USE TO FIGHT DUI CHARGES Mesa AZ DUI Charges If you face Mesa DUI charges you should consult a Mesa criminal defense attorney or Mesa AZ DUI lawyer as soon as possible. Arizona has some of the toughest DUI laws and penalties in the country for DUI convictions. However,…

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Mesa Arizona DUI
Law Office of James Novak

Ways Mesa AZ DUI Attorneys Defend DUI Field Sobriety Tests Defenses Field Sobriety Tests Field Sobriety Tests are standardized tests adopted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). However, many of the best Mesa DUI lawyers don’t consider them real or valid tests. This is due to their subjective nature and police biases in…

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Mesa AZ DUI Attorney
Law Office of James Novak

How to Hire a Good Mesa Arizona DUI Lawyer “Hiring an experienced Arizona DUI Defense Attorney who defends DUI cases frequently in Mesa AZ, can mean the difference between a conviction or total dismissal, or reduction your criminal or DUI charges.” If you have been arrested for a DUI in Mesa Arizona, you already know…

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Law Office of James Novak

Medication DUI | Drug DUI “The ultimate goal of the best Mesa DUI defense attorneys is to attempt to get the case dismissed, reduced charges or best possible outcome in your case.” If you face Mesa AZ drug DUI or medication DUI charges you should contact an experienced drug defense attorney, Mesa criminal defense attorney…

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Mesa AZ Extreme DUI
Law Office of James Novak

“How an Extreme DUI charge may be reduced or completely dismissed with a good Mesa Criminal Defense or DUI Lawyer” The Mesa DUI Attorney you consult will tell you how serious a Mesa DUI can be and the devastating effects it can have on your life and future. But it becomes even more dire if…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How to Ensure an Impartial Jury in Serious Arizona Criminal Cases Criminal jury trials for serious offenses in Arizona are complex and high-stakes proceedings, where the fairness and impartiality of the jury are...

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

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