Articles Posted in phoenix DUI lawyer

Drug DUI charges and Medication DUI charges officially surpassed the number of Alcohol DUI charges in 2011.
Law Office of James Novak

“Under Arizona Drug DUI Laws, a person may be charged with DUI even if they did not consume any alcohol or illegal drugs. Find out how experienced DUI lawyers challenge Drug DUI charges that may lead to dismissal.” Arizona Drug DUI – Medication DUI Charges In Arizona, you may be charged with Drug DUI under…

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Best Maricopa County Defense Lawyers: 15 traits that distinguish the best DUI lawyers from good ones.
Law Office of James Novak

15 Traits of criminal Lawyers who get Maricopa County Defense AZ charges for DUI Dismissed! “Your chances of getting charges dismissed increase with an attorney who can present “a compelling argument”, over an attorney who has a stronger argument, but presents it less persuasively.” – James Novak, AZ DUI & Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer and…

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DUI defenses: DUI defenses must carefully be selected by your attorney. The best defense strategies are those that will prove to be the most effective given the unique facts of your case.
Law Office of James Novak

What Makes a Good Phoenix AZ Criminal Defense Lawyer the Best The Best DUI Lawyers Choose the Right Defense Strategies For starters, the Best DUI defense lawyers in Phoenix AZ, chooses the right defenses and Defense strategies. Effective defenses must be carefully selected and tailored to fit each defendant’s set of circumstances. A good criminal…

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5 Things Prosecutors Don’t Want You to Know about your criminal rights and charges!
Law Office of James Novak

Phoenix Criminal Attorney | DUI DWI Criminal Defense Lawyers Why You Should Exercise Your Right to ‘Remain Silent” following an Arrest for Phoenix DUI or Criminal Charges 1) You do not want to “convict” yourself by verbally accepting guilt of a crime. Do not assume that because you were arrested for a crime, you will…

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Misdemeanor DUI charges: Why you will need good legal representation to defend the charges.
Law Office of James Novak

An AZ DUI with no aggravating factors is a Class 1 Misdemeanor; but don’t let anyone mislead you into thinking that a “Misdemeanor DUI” in Arizona is not serious. AZ penalties for Misdemeanor DUI are more serious than penalties for a felony in many states. Do not plead guilty of any Arizona DUI charge, before…

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DUI laws differ by state. Arizona has some of the toughest laws and penalties in the county. Find out about Arizona DUI laws and penalties, before you drink and drive.
Law Office of James Novak

How AZ DUI Laws will affect your Phoenix DUI DUI charges in Phoenix, AZ are serious and described as some of the harshest in the country. You should consult an experienced AZ DUI Lawyer or Arizona criminal defense attorney who defends cases frequently in Phoenix Court as soon as possible It makes no difference if…

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Felony DUI Charges: Find out why you were charged with a Felony DUI instead of a Misdemeanor DUI, and how to defend your charges.
Law Office of James Novak

If you have been arrested for felony DUI in Arizona, you will need to consult a Phoenix DUI lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your charges and defense. A felony DUI in Phoenix exposes you to severe penalties and sentencing if convicted including prison time. You will need an experienced Arizona DUI lawyer who…

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DUI Blood Tests: Reasons why police decide to get DUI blood test evidence
Law Office of James Novak

If you were arrested for an AZ DUI arrest based on your BAC results, does not automatically mean you will be convicted. Good Phoenix DUI attorneys may be able to use the blood test evidence to defend you, and get your charges dismissed. DUI charges in Phoenix based on Blood Test Results If you were…

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How to find a lawyer to defend your DUI or criminal charges
Law Office of James Novak

How to find the best Phoenix DUI Lawyer in Arizona If you face Phoenix DUI charges or any Criminal in Arizona, you will need to consult the best Phoenix AZ Criminal defense lawyer or DUI defense Attorney you can find. This is because the State of Arizona has some of the harshest laws and penalties…

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Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Blog

How to Ensure an Impartial Jury in Serious Arizona Criminal Cases Criminal jury trials for serious offenses in Arizona are complex and high-stakes proceedings, where the fairness and impartiality of the jury are...

How Does a Court Determine if a Juvenile’s Confession is Voluntary? Under Arizona law, courts must assume that any juvenile suspect’s confession to a crime is involuntary, unless there is reason to think otherwise...

Hearsay Are Statements “Offered for the Truth of the Matter” As you may know, hearsay is a statement made out of court that a litigant tries to use in court. The second element of hearsay that you may not know...

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