Resources you can rely on, to help you make the best choice in legal representation for your DUI and criminal charges
10 Ways to Find the Best Tempe DUI Lawyer
Tempe DUI charges are serious crimes. Arizona State Laws are strict, harsh and constantly changing. Even a first time misdemeanor DUI conviction with no prior criminal record will cost you jail time along with other adverse penalties. You will need experienced Tempe criminal defense or DUI attorney to represent you through the Arizona Criminal Justices system. They will make sure your rights are protected and do everything possible to get the best outcome in your case. Tempe DUI and criminal charges are dismissed or reduced often do to the representation of a good Tempe DUI lawyer.
Below are some resources to start with and tips to help you find the best Tempe criminal defense or DUI Attorney to defend you in Tempe Court or other court in Maricopa County where you were charged with a DUI or other criminal offense.
1) The internet. You can find just about anything you need and easily from attorney websites, review sites, and other public resources on the web.
2) Referrals from family, friends or other trustworthy source.
3) The Maricopa County Bar Association
4) The Arizona State Bar to make sure they are licensed to practice criminal defense in Arizona. If you were charged in Arizona, you should hire an attorney who is licensed to practice in Arizona and does soon a daily basis. Some attorneys are licensed to practice in more than one state. But if they reside in Arizona they are more likely to be up to date on the constantly changing laws. Look for Attorneys who defend Tempe DUI or Tempe criminal charges often.
5) Narrow your search to a few attorneys you would like to speak with, then call them for a free consultation.
6) Explain your charges to the Attorney and ask about your defense options and their fees for retention. You will also want to discuss terms of payment. Many attorneys will provide flexibility in paying the fees as well as discounts. Just ask.
7) Ask the Attorney all the questions you can about training, education, experience, and qualifications, that you were unable to find out about them through your initial resources.
8) Affordability. Compare fees of the attorneys you speak with. Understand that the most expensive attorneys many not provide you with the best defense. And in contrast, the least expensive attorneys many be some of the best DUI and criminal defense attorneys in the state of Arizona.
9) Communication. You must feel comfortable in your communications with your attorney. When you hire an attorney, you are the employer. But the fact is you will be working together as a team to get the best possible outcome in your case.
10) Trust. You need to feel confident that your DUI attorney can do the job. If they give you advice, there is usually a good reason for it. If you don’t know what that is, ask. If they need documentation or anything along the way, obtain it. Again, they have their reasons. And the best Tempe criminal defense attorneys missions are to provide the best DUI defense possible that will lead to a dismissal of charges, reduction of charges and sentencing, or the otherwise best possible outcome in your case.
Selecting your Tempe DUI or Tempe criminal attorney to defend your is a big decision. An unwise decision can cost you your freedom. A wise well chosen attorney can lead to avoidance of a criminal conviction, and possible dismissal or reduction of charges.
If you have been arrested for DUI or criminal charges in Maricopa County contact the Law Office of James Novak, for your Free Consultation at (480) 413-1499. Speak directly with experienced Arizona criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney and James Novak (Former Prosecutor). Also visit for helpful DUI and criminal defense information.
The Law Office of James Novak is devoted to defending DUI, Drug & criminal charges in Arizona, valley wide within the Greater Phoenix, Maricopa County area including the cities of Chandler, Tempe , Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert and Tempe Arizona, Phoenix Metro, and Phoenix East Valley Arizona.