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Arizona Theft Laws: Factors that raise a theft crimes to a Felony Theft offense

Law Office of James Novak

Defense strategies used by the best Tempe criminal attorneys to challenge felony theft charges.

Felony Theft Charges Tempe AZ

A theft charge in general, is the illegal act of taking or using another’s property or service without permission, consent or payment. Many people do not realize that in Arizona it is also considered “theft” for someone to accept or receive property that they know was stolen, even if it was stolen by another person.

If you face felony theft charges in Tempe AZ it is important that you contact a criminal attorney who defends charges in Tempe AZ. Felony theft convictions carry serious penalties including extended prison or jail sentences, fines, mandatory restitution among other penalties the court order in your case. For almost every offense, there are defenses that good criminal defense attorneys can use to defend your Tempe felony charges. Arizona felony theft charges include but are not limited to the following:

• Auto, engine, or transmission theft

• Grand theft

• Larceny

• Gran Larceny

• Forgery

• Possession of a forgery device

• Money laundering

• Theft of firearms

• Burglary

• Armed Robbery

• Carjacking

• Animals Stolen for the intent of use for fighting

• Fraud and Schemes In Arizona, any stolen property or service exceeding the value of $1,000.00 is a felony.

The exceptions are related to theft of firearms or animals stolen for use in fighting. In those cases, Arizona laws classify these offenses felonies regardless of the amounts.

Arizona Theft Laws

Theft laws in Tempe AZ are governed by the Arizona State Laws that govern theft which are found A.R.S. 13-1801 and A.R.S. 13-1802 and can be found at the Arizona Revised Statutes website.

In order to convict a defendant for felony theft charges, under the Arizona Laws, the prosecution must be able to prove that the defendant, “knowingly” and “intentionally” committed the act that led to the theft charges. This is often an area that experienced criminal lawyers challenge in defending felony theft charges. If a person purchased or possesses property for which they were not aware was stolen, it will be challenged by their Tempe criminal defense attorney. If successful, it will be difficult for the prosecution to convict the defendant of their Tempe Felony Theft charges. You often hear of this relating to such stolen and resold property such as valuable paintings, vehicles, electronics, jewelry and the like.

Felony Theft Penalties Tempe AZ

Felony Theft Penalties are based on the class of felony for which the charge is considered. Felony theft classifications are based on based on the dollar amounts or values of the alleged stolen property or service. Other factors the judge considers when sentencing felony theft convictions are the number and nature of items stolen; the manner in which they were taken; prior criminal record; first time or repeat offense; and other factors surrounding the felony theft incident(s).

Penalties for Tempe felony theft charges are harsh. They may include prison or jail sentences, fines, restitution, community service, counseling, supervised probation and more. Every case will be considered on its own merits and set of facts.

If the stolen property or service’s value equals $100,000.00 or greater, defendants will not be eligible for suspended sentencing, probation, pardons or release from incarceration except as pursuant to terms under section 31-233, subsection A or B until the sentence imposed by the court has been served, the person is eligible for release pursuant to section 41-1604.07 or the sentence is commuted.

Criminal Defense Attorney Tempe AZ

Tempe felony theft charges are serious offenses with serious penalties. It is important to consult a Tempe criminal attorney as soon as possible, if you are under investigation, have received charges or been arrested for felony theft charges in Tempe AZ. Due to the severity of these charges in Arizona, it is highly recommended by the best criminal defense attorneys in Arizona, that you obtain proper legal representation such as a private practice criminal defense attorney who defends Tempe felony theft charges. They will guide you through the Arizona criminal justice system, and build the most effective defense possible. Hiring a qualified private practice Tempe criminal lawyer is your only real chance of getting felony theft charges dismissed, reduced or an otherwise good outcome in your case.

If you have been arrested for DUI or criminal charges in Maricopa County contact the Law Office of James Novak, for your Free Consultation at (480) 413-1499. Speak directly with experienced Arizona criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney and James Novak (Former Prosecutor). Also visit for helpful DUI and criminal defense information.

The Law Office of James Novak is devoted to defending DUI, Drug & criminal charges in Arizona, valley wide within Maricopa County including the cities of Gilbert, Scottsdale, Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler and Phoenix Arizona, Phoenix Metro, and Phoenix East Valley Arizona.

This post was intended to provide general information only and is not intended as specific legal advice. You should not rely upon this information alone, but should consult legal counsel regarding the application of the laws and regulations discussed and as applied to your specific case or circumstances.

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