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Weapon Charges | Gun Charges Phoenix AZ

Law Office of James Novak

Phoenix Criminal Defense Weapon Charges “The defense of a Arizona good criminal attorney who defends weapons charges frequently in Phoenix Criminal Justice System will greatly increase your chances of a getting a good outcome in your case.”

Weapon Charges in Phoenix AZ Weapons charges are commonly charged along with other criminal offenses if you were charged or arrested in Phoenix AZ for a weapon or gun charge. Weapon charges and gun charges can be very serious. If you were arrested or face any type of weapon charges of Phoenix Arizona, you should consult an experienced AZ Criminal Defense attorney who defends weapons charges frequently in Phoenix AZ court through the criminal justices system. A Phoenix AZ conviction for a felony weapon charges carry serous consequences, including a jail or prison sentences. Some of the more serious crimes involving weapons for which sentencing will be more severe include but are not limited to the following:

• Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm • Endangerment • Aggravated Assault • Using a Weapon in a Threatening Manner • Felon in Possession of a Firearm • Assault with a Deadly Weapon • Armed Robbery or Burglary • Possession during commission of other crimes not listed above Some stand alone Phoenix AZ weapons offenses including guns and firearms include but are not limited to the following and usually classified as Misconduct Charges:

• Prohibited possessor • Prohibited firearms • Illegal in possession • Altered serial number Phoenix AZ Weapons Defined (not all inclusive) Dangerous or deadly weapon: Any weapon designed for lethal use, including firearms. Common items such as knives and guns fall under the Arizona definitions. And depending on the circumstances, the law also includes items such as baseball bats or vehicles.

Prohibited weapons: These are weapons that are completely illegal in the state of Arizona which include but are not limited to: short barrel shot guns, grenades, rockets, bombs, poison gas, and nun-chucks.

Firearms: These are defined as any loaded or unloaded gun, pistol, rifle, shotgun, or any other device designed to expel a projectile.

Explosives: dynamite, nitroglycerine, black powder, or plastic explosives. (Definitions paraphrased from A.R.S.

Arizona Weapon Laws There are many different types of weapon charges, and situations for which weapon charges may apply. Weapon charges in Arizona are specifically are comprehensive and specifically defined and classified under the State weapons laws. Whether you were arrested for Weapon Charges in Phoenix AZ, Mesa AZ, Tempe AZ, Chandler AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Gilbert AZ, Maricopa County AZ or any other county or city in Arizona you will be subject to the rules of authority of Arizona State Law and criminal codes cited below:

“A.R.S. Chapter 31 WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES 13-3101 through 13-3120” (Citations from

Weapon Charges Defense Attorneys in Phoenix Arizona Weapon Charges are not the type of charges you want to challenge on your own through the Arizona criminal justice system or the maze of procedures and protocols of the Arizona courts. Due to their potentially serious nature, you should contact a Phoenix AZ criminal defense attorney, weapon’s charge defense attorney or attorney who defends weapon charges often in Phoenix criminal justice system and Phoenix courts, frequently, if you have been charged or arrested for any weapon charge. A good Phoenix criminal Lawyer will gather and examine all the facts surrounding your case, make sure your constitutional rights have not been violated, tell your side of the story through proper legal channels, present compelling arguments in negotiations, hearings, trials, and through motions to protect you against the works outcome and harshest penalties. An experienced Phoenix AZ weapon charges defense attorney will do everything possible to suppress any evidence against you, attempt to get your charges reduced or to achieve the best outcome of getting your charges dismissed. Every weapons charge case is different and the defenses that will be used may be different and outcomes may vary depending on the circumstances, strength of the evidence and prosecution’s case, and nature of the crime.

The defense of a Arizona good criminal attorney who defends weapons charges frequently in Phoenix Criminal Justice System will greatly increase your chances of a getting a good outcome in your case.

If you have been charged with any Arizona DUI, Aggravated DUI, Extreme DUI, Second DUI, Third or more DUI charges, DUI Under age 21, Drug DUI, Minor Consumption DUI, DUI with child under 15 in vehicle, Felony DUI, Any Drug Charges, Drug possession charges, Drug sales, Drug Distribution, Drug Trafficking, Drug smuggling, Drug Importation, Drug Transportation, Drug Cultivation, Drug Manufacturing, Misdemeanor Drug charges, Felony Drug charges, Dangerous Drugs, Narcotics, Marijuana, or any other criminal charge including theft, assaults, aggravated assault, domestic assault, sexual assault, police assault, domestic violence, probation violations, robbery, theft, burglary, vehicular assault, weapon charges, disorderly conduct with a weapon, endangerment with a weapon, other firearm and gun charges, computer crimes, ID theft crimes, or any other criminal charges contact the Law Office of James Novak, for your Free Consultation at (480) 413-1499. Speak directly with experienced Arizona criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney James Novak (Former Prosecutor).

For more Arizona criminal defense and DUI defense help, free DUI defense books, and free DUI and criminal defense videos visit: The Law Office of James Novak is devoted to handling 100% DUI, Drug & criminal cases in Gilbert, Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Chandler, Scottsdale, AZ, and other cities surrounding areas valley-wide in Maricopa County Arizona.

This post was intended to provide general information only and is not intended as specific legal advice. You should not rely upon this information alone, but should consult legal counsel regarding the application of the laws and regulations discussed and as applied to your specific case or circumstance.

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